Monday, February 22, 2010


So, my school will be implementing the DRA2 program at my school. Yet another new program.. ahh... but, this I'm actually excited about. We'll get to learn the students' *true* reading level. That could be really helpful.

Anyone out there in cyberspace have any advice on how to administer the DRA2?

Friday, February 12, 2010

Un-Valentine's Day

My poor students. They were so excited about our Valentine's celebration. Then.. the snow came. Yes, another snow day. What are we at now... 84 snow days now? Sure seems like it!

Usually, I do not do a Valentine's Celebration. There comes an age when they are too old for that. But, some still do like to exchange the occasional valentine, so I allow time at the end of the day to exchange them, or just to do a little activity. But-- this year-- there was going to be.... doughnuts. <3

Ahhh... doughnuts...

A parent had just gotten a doughnut maker and asked if she could bring it in and let the kids make their own doughnuts with pink and red icing. HELLO. There's never a question when it comes to doughnuts.

Apparently Mother Nature had another idea... She's trying to save my hips, and I don't like it.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

La-La Land

Someone help. Too many of my students have left me for La-La land. I can be standing in front of the room in a super-hero costume doing an a-list song and dance... and they would have NO IDEA.

No matter how awesome my lesson is... no matter what is coming out of my mouth ("J., you've won a MILLION DOLLARS!!!)... they will NOT BE PAYING ATTENTION!!!

Now, fellow super-teachers out there, I know I'm not alone. What is the deal?! Are we really living in a society where children cannot hold their own attention for more than 2 minutes? What will become of them if they cannot stay focused enough to hear the end of my sentence?!

Any suggestions are MORE than welcome........!!!

Tuesday, February 2, 2010


I found out today that my grade level will be putting on a show for the school. I, for one, am very excited!! We are the only grade level who does NOT do something "special" like that as a whole grade level at the end of the year.

The students will do a variety of things-- mainly dealing with music. They'll play their instruments, sing songs, and I would absolutely love to have them do a little dance or something like that.

Some teachers may gripe that they are not interested in doing this "extra" stuff. Bah Humbug!! The kids are super-excited, and they are only young once! Let's have fun!