Wednesday, January 27, 2010


Okay, so I'm on overload. I know that once you become a teacher, it is expected that you will have a whole heap of work to do. The "to-do" list is on-going, and never has an end. There is no light at the end of the tunnel. But, how much is too much?

With all of the new programs being implemented (ie. flexible groups, project read, RTI, Learnia, etc. etc. etc. etc.) at the SAME TIME, it is so hard to keep up with all of that in addition to the usual crazy workload we have.

I'm not saying that we are being 'overworked.' I'm not saying that we are being asked to do things that we should not be doing. I'm just saying that implementing so many new things at once may not be such a good idea. I'm seeing teachers becoming very frustrated and that usually ends up with people saying JUST FORGET IT!!! And we certainly don't want that.

Let's just take it one day at a time, shall we?

Tuesday, January 19, 2010


One of the points of my blog is to share good ideas with other educators. Another point of this blog is so that I also don't forget these ideas (haha). Another point is to track my ideas and emotions so that I can look back on my career and remember the little things. Another point is to LET OUT MY FRUSTRATION!!!!!!!

I began teaching an extra program today, and the curriculum is very frustrating to me. It has NOTHING to do with what my students are supposed to be learning about, and it's way too babyish. Which means that I will have to supplement and change everything-- which is NOT my job description, and I am NOT getting paid for it!!

Welcome to teaching. :)

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Book Reports

My students' biography book reports were due today. I love book report day!!!

The students do, too. They love to listen and learn about new topics and books. They also LOVE to see each others' projects.

This time around they had to create a paper doll to show their biography person. At the end of each presentation, I allow for 3 questions or comments. Little AM raised her hand and asked "What was the main idea of your book?"

HOW CUTE. I love you, Little AM!!!

Tuesday, January 5, 2010


I was observed today. I thought it kind of weird since we JUST got back into the swing of things. But I guess it was okay, since I'm still riding the "honeymoon" wave. The kids always come back after Christmas break focused and ready to learn. I try to stretch that as long as I can!!!

My observation went well. I did a fraction lesson. For some reason I feel like I got observed last year on this same lesson?! I have my post-ob meeting tomorrow. I hope it goes over well!

This also leads me to ask the question-- when you are observing another teacher, what do you look for?

This question was posed tonight in my new class (wahoo!). We were asked to either blog about it, or put it up on a discussion board. So, here I am.

If I were observing a teacher, I would look for classroom management above and beyond all else. I feel that this is the key to good teaching. If you can manage your classroom well, then these children are like putty in your hands!

I'd also be looking for unique teaching styles. I wouldn't want to see a teacher simply teaching out of the text book. Specifically, I'd be looking for hands-on activities, and extension activities.

The classroom should be inviting and the teacher should show kindness towards her students. I'd look for modern teaching techniques, such as the TESA techniques we've all come to know so well and love!

What would you look for?