Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Grad School?

I have been contemplating going back to grad school... ?? ahh! The decision terrifies me. There are pros and cons, and I feel like laying them all out here will help with my decision.

*knowledge-- I will become much more knowledgable in what I do, and will keep me up to date with the latest in the educational scene.
*doors open-- I can't imagine coming out of the classroom, but you never know what the future holds. Perhaps later in life I will tire of the every day hassles of being a classroom teacher, and maybe I'll want to do something else, like guidance, administration, or supervision... Always helpful to have something to fall back on.
*money-- this one might be a joke lol... the difference between BA and MA pay is peanuts, but I guess every little bit helps
*networking-- I'll meet more educators. I'm sure, in my classes, and meeting other teachers always helps in getting more ideas.

*money-- why does this one show up on both? money is the root of all evil, I tell you. In this case, I'd have to shell out a lot of clams for a degree. Yes, I get some back from my district, but not until I've finished the course.
*time-- a lot of time that I have been spending with my family and on my current classroom duties will have to be sacrificed to do well in my classes.

Hm... are those really the only cons? Maybe my decision is already made for me... ?!

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